Tag: writer

Dog Eat Dog World

“I have always thought of myself as a helpful person, one who wouldn’t care about himself and helps others first. That was only up until that fateful night. It was a really dark and moonless. My friend Rohit and I were on a trip and…


“Honestly, I never thought I’d be a musician if it hadn’t been for that one day in college. It was my first project of the semester and it was a group project. My friends and I were looking for a quiet place in college to…

Not Today

“Our professor gave us a paper to write and I had done horribly in that subject the last time. So, I was pretty determined about making it count this time and write a good paper. I started researching and looking for material for it. I…


“Our canteen is where I like to chill the most with my friends. It has amazing food and we get almost everything. We take forever to plan trips together, sometimes months. If we could plan faster, we’d be taking trips every weekend. Our spontaneous trips…

Donut Mess With Me!

“I am a very assertive person. I don’t mind dishing out my opinions. People say I’d be good at debates. When I’m hungry I get super angry. I am really, really touchy then. At a restaurant, I was waiting patiently for a table once even…

Breakfast at Tiffinys

“My mom is a fantastic cook and she makes the most mouth watering dishes. I really feel she could open a restaurant. I really love everything she makes but, my favourite by far, is her Biryani. It was so good, my friends would come every…

Chal Hawa Ane De

“I had a friend once who was always broke. He’d follow me everywhere, when I went to eat, to shop or for a movie. But, he’d never ever pay, ever. I ended up paying for him all the time. I was really sick of it.…

Travel Bug

“My funnest vacation was a nerve wrecking, exhausting but, unexpectedly, magical trek. I was with my sisters who are also trek freaks. We try and do one together once a year. It was the end of May and we were in Himachal. We climbed a…


“I was brought up in Spain where we get a lot of sun and have fantastic beaches. I’ve always loved doing Yoga early in the morning as it really energizes me. I once competed with a friend and did 25 surya namaskars non stop. It…