Month: April 2015

Release Gogo

“Gogo is my all time favorite character. When I grow up, I wanna be like Gogo. I had also bought myself a cape after watching Andaz Apna Apna.” ChimplySpeaking

Say Cheese

“I am happy all the time.” “What’s the best part about a smile?” ”Your one ear meets the other through your lips. Isn’t it absolutely romantic?” ChimplySpeaking


“If the world was filled with monsters, how do you think it would be?” “I think it would be very cute provided we had monsters like this.” ChimplySpeaking

Old School

“I still prefer handwritten letters over emails and texts. If that is old school, I am proud to be one.” Chimply Speaking!

Dude No. 1

“I am a salsa instructor, I do martial arts and I am pretty cool with my guys friends who I hang out with, so probably that’s why they make me the Dude No. 1.” “Any message for the dudes out there?” “Just be yourself. That’s…