Tag: mumbai

Dog Eat Dog World

“I have always thought of myself as a helpful person, one who wouldn’t care about himself and helps others first. That was only up until that fateful night. It was a really dark and moonless. My friend Rohit and I were on a trip and…


“Honestly, I never thought I’d be a musician if it hadn’t been for that one day in college. It was my first project of the semester and it was a group project. My friends and I were looking for a quiet place in college to…

Talk To The Paw

‘I am fairly punctual and I can’t stand people who are late. The most annoying bit is that all my friends , relatives, family, acquaintances, people I don’t know and basically, everybody besides me, are always late. And by late, I mean really late. It’s…

The Bak Bak Stops Here

“Honestly, the bak bak never stops for me. I am a very talkative person. I’m a super social person and make friends easily. I like hanging with different sorts of people. Moments of silence feel like forever to me. When I travel, I end up…

Donut Mess With Me!

“I am a very assertive person. I don’t mind dishing out my opinions. People say I’d be good at debates. When I’m hungry I get super angry. I am really, really touchy then. At a restaurant, I was waiting patiently for a table once even…

Breakfast at Tiffinys

“My mom is a fantastic cook and she makes the most mouth watering dishes. I really feel she could open a restaurant. I really love everything she makes but, my favourite by far, is her Biryani. It was so good, my friends would come every…

Billie Jean

Born and brought up in Mumbai, I live and breathe the city and the same is reflected on my Instagram page. The friendly people at Chimp approached me with a brilliant collaboration idea where I got to choose an array of products from their vivid,…

Travel Bug

“My funnest vacation was a nerve wrecking, exhausting but, unexpectedly, magical trek. I was with my sisters who are also trek freaks. We try and do one together once a year. It was the end of May and we were in Himachal. We climbed a…


“I was brought up in Spain where we get a lot of sun and have fantastic beaches. I’ve always loved doing Yoga early in the morning as it really energizes me. I once competed with a friend and did 25 surya namaskars non stop. It…