Semi in formal look :)

A meeting with clients.
An impromptu weekday lunch.
The last day before the weekend.

These are the times when our semi-formal look comes to rescue. Not too dressy, yet not casual, this quintessential look cannot go wrong.
We’ve selected Chimp’s ‘Elepants‘ tee to style this look as the print is humorous yet the color adds discipline to the appearance.We’ve paired it up with classic beige pants.
To add some vibrancy, we’ve used a printed scarf that one can also tie around the bag to give it some bling.
 We’ve also added a plain shrug to compliment the look, useful for mildly chilly evenings as well.
 To finish the look, we’ve added our Ish Pish bag as it looks chic and is yet big enough to fit in all the million little things us girls need.
A pair of nerdy glasses, a beautiful smile and one can definitely own the look 🙂

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Get the whole look here :