Tag: cooltshirt


“My documentary ‘The Plight of Migrants in Mumbai’ was about the miseries faced by balloon-wallahs everyday. It’s very close to my heart and it really help me understand the value of money and hard work.” Chimply Speaking! http://bit.ly/2KsoVbw

Self Study

“I’ve tried to study my mood swings. They keep fluctuating from ice-cream to hot chocolate.” Chimply Speaking! http://bit.ly/2KsoVbw


“Shopping is the only exercise that keeps you fit and happy. There is so much walking involved. I even run when there is a sale on!” Chimply Speaking! http://bit.ly/2KsoVbw


“Pirates are super cool. They get to wear the same clothes everyday. I wish I was a pirate too.” Chimply Speaking! http://bit.ly/2KsoVbw

Turban Legend

“In the train, a random woman came up to me and said “I have never seen a man wear a turban and pull it off as well as you do”.” Chimply Speaking! http://bit.ly/2KsoVbw

Be Happy

“I find happiness in little things. The smiles on kids’ faces every time I visit an orphanage, a nice meal, a happy surprise, colors, sky lanterns, candy floss, the list goes on…” Chimply Speaking! http://bit.ly/2KsoVbw

Salaami Saab

”What kinds of emotions does food evoke in you?” ”If it’s lasagna, then it’s pretty much love at first bite” Chimply Speaking! http://bit.ly/2KsoVbw