Author: chimpwear

Captain Time-pass

“What do you do when you are not doing anything?” “Sleep. Is there anything better than that in this world?” “What’s the best thing about doing time-pass?” “You can do what you love without thinking about how you are benefiting from it.” Chimply Speaking!


“What’s your favorite chocolate?” ”It’s like asking a mother to choose her favorite child.” Chimply Speaking!

Beer Champ

“Beer and I go hand in hand.” “What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘beer’?” “Pee.” Chimply Speaking!


“Do you have any particular memory related to monkeys? ”Yes, I used to live in Jammu and there were a lot of monkeys there. They used to eat bhang and get high and chase my dog all the time.” “What would do if you had…

Are You Suar

“What is that thing you are most unsure about in life?” “Girls, absolutely.” “Why so?” “I just don’t get them. I guess they understand each other, that’s why they hate each other.” “So, you love them then?” “ question.” Chimply Speaking!

All India Topper

“What do you think is the general stereotype attached to people who top?” “They think that just because I top, I would be studying for 15-16 hours a day.” “So is it true, do you actually study that much?” “No never. I actually don’t need…

James Bong

“Bongs are overtly intellectual and they love fish over beer” “What do you think is the coolest thing about them?” “They don’t just survive, they know how to live.” Chimply Speaking!

Maha Selfie

” I think clicking selfies is a physiological need, everyone needs it.” “Give us a few tricks to click a perfect selfie.” “Be confident and show how much you love yourself.” “Any funny incident you want to share with us that happened while clicking a…

Bossy By Nature

“I am the president of a Rotaract club and I am very particular about timings.” ”Tell us one incident where people have been scared of you” ”Just a while back, I was standing in the lobby and I saw my subordinates run across to the…