Month: September 2015

Gamer No. 1

“Gaming is my passion as well as profession. I have been playing games since I was probably eight. I noticed the credit sequence at the beginning of a game I was playing once and realized people actually get paid to make this. That’s when I…

Plz Don’t Eat My Head Up

“To scare a friend of mine once, I tried speeding the car towards him but, unfortunately, lost control and ended up completely damaging the bonnet. I’ve learnt my lesson the hard way and since then, I don’t try lame tricks just to annoy people anymore.”…

The Umpire Strikes Back

“One of my most memorable cricket moments was when Sachin Tendulkar retired. I stared at the screen with tears in my eyes and I am sure every Indian must have done the same. Sachin is our God and cricket our religion.” Chimply Speaking!

Bai Cycle

“My request to my Bai always was to not switch off the fan to sweep the floor while I was still sleeping. She never listened.” Chimply Speaking!

Mumbai Open 24 Hours

“If I had an option to change one thing about Mumbai, it would definitely be the expensive accommodation. People are right when they say it’s easier to find God than a flat in Mumbai and no one understands that better than bachelors like us.” Chimply…


“My documentary ‘The Plight of Migrants in Mumbai’ was about the miseries faced by balloon-wallahs everyday. It’s very close to my heart and it really help me understand the value of money and hard work.” Chimply Speaking!

Self Study

“I’ve tried to study my mood swings. They keep fluctuating from ice-cream to hot chocolate.” Chimply Speaking!


“Shopping is the only exercise that keeps you fit and happy. There is so much walking involved. I even run when there is a sale on!” Chimply Speaking!


“Pirates are super cool. They get to wear the same clothes everyday. I wish I was a pirate too.” Chimply Speaking!